The thirteen years old boy Adrian Mole decided to write a journal and when he saw a TV show from the writer Malcolm Muggeridge he decided to send his poems to him. Adrian thought of himself as an intellectual because he understood every word on the show.
Soon after sending the poems he got a reply. His poems were declined but John Tydemann told him to keep on trying because he is going to get many more negative answers before he gets something published.
Adrian was in puberty and had a slight problem with pimples and he was a bit chubby. His parents were always fighting. His family was thrilled when he got a response for his poems. He wrote that down in his journal besides the fact that he would sometimes read his poems in school hoping that one of the teachers will ask him what is he reading and give him a feedback on his poems. Unfortunately that never happened.
Adrian joined a society and started taking care of Bert Baxter, an old 89 years old man. He used to work with horses and he was a communist. Because of his work Adrian was allowed to miss one class on Monday and that was Math.
A new student came into Adrians class and he fell in love with her. Her name was Pandora Brithwaite. She came from a wealthy family and lived in a nice street. Her parents were intellectuals and gave her a horse. Despite everything she rather entertained herself with Adrians friend Nigel.
Soon Adrians mom got a job and in the same time she started having an affair with their neighbor Lucas. His parents found a lawyer and decided to get a divorce. Adrian never mentioned that they actually got divorced but we can believe they did since his mother moved to Sheffield with Lucas.
Adrian got a job as a paper delivery boy to earn his allowance. Half of everything he earned went to a bully named Barry Kent who was his classmate. His father tried everything to protect him but nothing worked. Adrian got beat up by Barry. In the end his grandmother interferes and she was successful at solving the problem. Barry had to give all of the money back.
His father found another woman named Doreen Slater. They were co-workers. A few days later he got fired from his job and the fear for survival crawled into their house.
Adrian became aware of the fact that his father wasn't able to take care of him anymore so he took up all of the work. He was cleaning, cooking, taking care of his dog. He expressed a great will to become a veterinarian one day but he also wanted to be a writer.
To be able to help Adriansfather, Doreen moved in with her son. After a few days Adrian got rebellious and decided to wear red socks to school. That was forbidden because the students could only wear red socks. The principle sent him home because of that and Pandora started looking at him with great admiration. She was amazed with his attitude and they end up in a relationship.
Pandora spent the summer with her parents in Tunis. She turned off her phone because Adrian spent a lot of money calling her.
Bert Baxter got very ill and ended up in a hospital. Since he was too weak to take care of himself he moved in with Adrian. Then he moved to Pandoras house and then to family Singh. Finally he went to a nursing home.
Adrian visited his mother in Sheffield and went to Scotland with her and Lucas. He was very bore3d and that annoyed Lucas. Soon he met an American Hamish who was a bit crazy and he was his age.
A little after that Adrian had to go to the hospital to get his tonsils out. His father told him that he was on the waiting list since he was five. He was at the hospital for a week.
Pandora suggested to Adrian that they could start up a magazine. Adrian used it to write an article named ‘'The truth about Barry Kent''. The magazine never became famous because the only copy ofit was bought by Barry Kent.
By the end of the year his mother broke up with Lucas and came home. His father was thrilled. Adrian described it as a déjà-vu.
The Christmas show was near and Pandora was in it with Adrian. The theme was the birth of Christ and the two of them were the parents of baby Jesus. At the end of the year Adrian wrote down 10 New Year decisions into his diary.
Bert got married to Queeinie and Adrian sent his poems regularly to BBC.
Soon there was a meeting of a club where Pandora was with Barbara Boyer. She was a very attractive women whose thoughts about disarming NATO were not in live with Pandoras. Adrian couldn't resist Barbara and they got into a relationship. She didn't want to hurt Pandora so she ended it.
Adrian confessed to Nigel that he was with Barbara and he spread it all around school. Pandora heard the news so she decided to ignore the fact that Adrians birthday was coming.
A day later UK got into a war with Argentina. Adrian leaned his nose gently on a model airplane he was building to smell the glue. He wasn't thinking clearly and his nose got glued to the plane. He ended up in to hospital and the doctor was convinced that Adrian was sniffing glue.
After that he called Pandora and she forgave him for cheating on her. He was hoping that she will arrive to the hospital any time now and as he was waiting he realized that the only thing that could save him from going insane was love.
Whilehe was writing the journal he wasn't only writing about his life and family. We can also lear a lot about the situation in England and the life of the migrants. He was describing the relation between the races and important events such as the weeding of Charles and Diana.
Genre: novel
Characters: Adrian, Pandora, Bert Bexter
Author: Sue Townsend biography
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