"A Farewell to Arms" is a novel written by acclaimed American writer Ernest Hemingway and set in Italy during World War I. The novel was originally published in Scribner's Magazine from the period of May 1929 to October 1929 and was almost immediately published with a print run of 31,000 copies The book was an […]
Ernest Hemingway
Ernest Hemingway was a famous American novelist, journalist, and storyteller from the 20th century. He lived a turbulent life and got married several times. In 1954 he won a Nobel prize in literature, but when he realized he was not capable of writing anymore he killed himself. He is viewed as one of the most influential American authors whose work was impacted by his journalism.
For Whom the Bell Tolls
"For Whom the Bell Tolls" was written by Ernest Hemingway and published in 1940. The story is set during the Spanish Civil War and is about a young man, Robert Jordan, who was assigned to compete for a mission to blow up a bridge. He was an American who taught Spanish at a University in […]
Hills Like White Elephants Analysis
Hills Like White Elephants is a short story by American author Ernest Hemingway, first published in 1927. This is a closer analysis of the story which contains complex themes such as communication, unspoken emotions, and power dynamics in relationships.
Hills Like White Elephants Characters
Analysis of personality and characteristics of all characters within the story Hills Like White Elephants by Ernest Hemingway. Take a look at the conflicts faced by the young couple as they grapple with a difficult decision regarding the girl's pregnancy.
Hills Like White Elephants Summary
Hills Like White Elephants is a short story by Ernest Hemingway. It follows a conversation between a man and a woman as they sit at a train station in Spain about the possibility of her having an abortion.
The Old Man and the Sea
''The old man and the Sea'' is a novel which could be named a short novel also and it was published in 1952 for the first time in the magazine Life. It is written as a inner monologue in which we find out the thoughts of the main character. The plot is not the center […]
The Sun Also Rises
"The Sun Also Rises" is a 1926 novel written by the famed American author Ernest Hemingway. The novel's main theme is that of the "Lost Generation" or the generation of young men that were seen to be irrevocably damaged by World War I and Hemingway's assertion that they were not as decadent and dissolute as […]