Goldilocks and the Three Bears, an original story written by Joseph Jacobs. The first version featured an old lady who was later replaced with the golden-haired girl and three relatable bears. Read a story and discover new characters!
Joseph Jacobs
Joseph Jacobs is one of the leading English folklorists and authors of fairy tales and fables as well as one of the most important literary figures in Judaism of its time. He was born in Australia.
Goldilocks and the Three Bears Analysis
Goldilocks and the Three Bears is one of the most well-known and famous fairy tales in English literature. This is a closer analysis of the story which describes how Goldilocks broke into the bears' home and ate their porridge.
Goldilocks and the Three Bears Characters
Specific characteristics and features analysis of literary characters and elements from the fairy tale Goldilocks and the Three Bears by Joseph Jacobs. An objective evaluation of characteristics of Goldilocks as the major character and minor characters such as the three bears.
Goldilocks and the Three Bears Summary
Goldilocks and the Three Bears is a fairy tale collected by Joseph Jacob, but first written by Robert Southey. This is a story about a little, mischievous girl who broke into the three bears' house, ate their porridge, sat in their chairs, and slept in their beds.
Jack and the Beanstalk
Jack and the Beanstalk, an original story written by Joseph Jacobs about a young boy that traded a cow for a few magic beans. Read a story and discover new characters!
Jack and the Beanstalk Analysis
Jack and the Beanstalk is one of the most popular fairy tales in English literature. This is a closer analysis of the story which reveals how a poor boy managed to plant a beanstalk which provided an opportunity to become rich.
Jack and the Beanstalk Characters
A quality assessment of detailed elements and features of literary characters included in Jack and the Beanstalk by Joseph Jacobs. It contains characteristics of Jack as the major character and minor characters such as his mother, Ogre, etc.
Jack and the Beanstalk Summary
Jack and the Beanstalk is a fairy tale collected by Joseph Jacob. This is a story about a little boy breaking into the ogre’s house, stealing his bag of gold, a hen that lays golden eggs, and a golden harp.
The Story of the Three Bears
The Story of the Three Bears, an original story written by Joseph Jacobs about an incosiderate old lady who broke in into a house where the three bear lived. Read a story and discover new characters!
The Story of the Three Bears Analysis
The Story of the Three Bears is one of the most popular and recognizable fairy tales in English literature. This is a closer analysis of the story which reveals how an old woman broke into the bears' home and ate their porridge.
The Story of the Three Bears Characters
A detailed study guide on characteristics, actions and connections between literary characters included in The Story of the Three Bears by Joseph Jacobs. The analysis includes characteristics of the old woman as antagonist and the three bears as protagonists of the fairy tale.
The Story of the Three Bears Summary
The Story of the Three Bears is a fairy tale collected by Joseph Jacob, but first written by Robert Southey. This is a story about a little, old, ugly woman breaking in into the bears' home, eating their porridge, sitting in their chairs, and sleeping in their beds.