"Inferno" is an epic poem and one of three parts of the "Divine Comedy". Dante started writing it around 1307 and finished it a bit before his death in 1321. Dante called it a comedy because in his time that was the name for a narrative that had a sad beginning but a happy ending. “Divine” […]
Dante Alighieri
Dante Alighieri was one of the greatest Italian poets of the late Middle Ages and the first writer to write in Italian instead of Latin. His most famous work, the song Divine Comedy, is considered one of the greatest literary works in the Italian language and a triumph of world literature. He dedicated several sonnets to his great love Beatrice, without mentioning his wife Gemma in any of his poems.
The Divine Comedy
The Divine Comedy describes in an epic way Dantes three days long journey. His helper was Virgil. He was the voice of reason and Beatrice was the symbol of Lords mercy. With their help Dante had to go through hell, purgatory and heaven. The Divine Comedy is written divided to three parts and each of […]