"Heidi" is a popular novel written by Swiss author Johanna Spyri, published in 1881. First publication consisted out of two separated books, "Heidi's years of learning and journeys", and "Heidi is using her knowledge". The book soon became known as one of the best-selling books ever written, and one of the most popular Swiss books […]
Johanna Spyri
Johanna Heusser-Spyri was well-known author, born in Switzerland June 12., 1827. Because of her literal work, she became one of the most popular authors in Switzerland.
Johanna had a very happy childhood, as a contrast to the rest of her life. She grew up in a family with a lot of siblings. Although she was born beside a lake in Zurich, she spends the rest of her childhood in a house in the mountains, always filled with children laughter and many other guests and visitors.
She got married early, but soon she lost her husband nad their only child. In need, she turned herself to writing, probably somewhere around the war between France and Prussia 1871., affected by the huge amount of human grief and sorrow in her environment.
She created the character of a girl who liked living in the mountains, as a projection of her wish to have a daughter herself. Except writing, she enjoyed time spent in nature so she was spending a lot of her spare time in the Alps, convinced in the healing power of nature, as visible in "Heidi" as well.
She died in 1901., in her hometown Zurich.