"The Imaginary Invalid" is a comedy-ballet by Jean Baptiste Moliere in three acts. The work has the characteristics of an opera and a play and it was very popular during the reign of Louise XVI., and it was often preformed in his castle. The performances were great spectacles in which the text would intertwine with […]
Jean-Baptiste Poqelin Moliere was one of the most renowned French satire writers right next to Racine and Corneille. He's considered one the best French writers of the golden era with his playwriting reaching its peak in the 17th century. Except for being a screenwriter, he also contributed to the evolution of the humoristic satire form.
The Misanthrope
Moliere's work "The Misanthrope" talks about the sincerity of human's emotions. In a world where honesty is a virtue but also an illusion everything is based on corruption, lies, money and the author wants to make us believe those who speak the truth. Moliere deeply believes that only on truth can one base his life. […]