"The Hunger Games" is a Young Adult dystopian novel written by Suzanne Collins and published in 2008. The novel was an instant success and has since been awarded Publishers Weekly's 'Best Book of the Year Award', the New York Times "Notable Children's Book of 2008" award and the California Young Reader Medal in 2011, among […]
Suzanne Collins
Suzanne Marie Collins was born in Hartford, Connecticut in August of 1962. The daughter of an Air Force Lieutenant, Collins is the youngest of four children. She graduated from a fine arts college in Birmingham, Alabama in 1980 and completed a Bachelor of Arts degree in 1985 from Indiana University.
Collins also has an M.F.A. in dramatic writing from New York University Tisch School of the Arts.
In 1991, Collins began her writing career by working for several television shows on the Nickelodeon network. Collins was inspired to write Young Adult novels after working with fellow author James Proimos. She went on to create her first published work, The Underland Chronicles which began in 2003 and ended in 2007.
After this series, Collins was inspired to write a series using Greek and Roman mythology and the effects of war that she had witnessed during her father's time in the Air Force.
Thus, "The Hunger Games" series was born. Since the series' release, Collins has become a household name and a best-selling Young Adult author many times over as well as being the best-selling Kindle author of all time. In 2010, she was named one of Time magazine's most influential people. Collins currently resides in Sandy Hook, Connecticut with her husband and two children.